Comptabilité immobilière et audit des copropriétés

Delali Accounting est un cabinet spécialisé dans la comptabilité et l’audit des copropriétés pour les syndics professionnels. Forts d’une solide expérience dans le secteur immobilier, nous avons développé des solutions innovantes qui répondent aux défis spécifiques de la gestion comptable des copropriétés

Nous mettons à profit l’excellence de notre engagement pour contribuer concrètement à vos performances.

Peter Adams

co-founder of company

Clients de

Notre mission

Notre mission est d’accompagner les syndics dans la gestion efficace de leur portefeuille de copropriétés, en garantissant la transparence et la conformité à travers des audits rigoureux, une préparation méticuleuse des comptes et une utilisation des meilleures technologies du marché.

Ce que nos clients disent de nous

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

what we do

Creating Your Startup Business

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

main principles

Global Reach with Local Understanding

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

marketing analysis
finance strategy
business innovation

What People Say About Us

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

our team

Our Skilled Leaders

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Monica Black
chief communication officer
Peter Perish
chief business project
Olivia Woodson
international consultant
Peter Adams
co-founder of company